PinnedGithub repo recommender 101 in streamlitKeep updated with your personal GitHub recommender. What I have learned about building an experimental data science UI?Jul 15, 2022Jul 15, 2022
PinnedModeling and visualize counted bicycles with prophet and streamlit.ioIntroMay 28, 2021May 28, 2021
MicroK8s for LLM- and other PoC’s with https integration.This is a detailed step-by-step guide to deploying a Kubernetes cluster with MicroK8s on a dedicated machine tailored for proof-of-concept…Jan 6Jan 6
A predictive engine API deployment with AWS and serverless in minutes.With AWS Lambda , API Gateway and serverless you have the possibilty to deploy predictive models in a short time. Layer support in AWS…Feb 23, 2019Feb 23, 2019